CDC Meeting – Minutes for May 16, 2013

Van Alstyne Community Development Corporation
Regular Board Meeting
228 East Marshall

Thursday, May 16, 2013

1. Call to order-Recognition of Guests: The meeting was called to order by President Dr. Paul Westmoreland @ 6:30 p.m.
 Present: Dr. Paul Westmoreland; Judy Womack; Don Depree; Billy Plake; Kanita Larkins
 Absent: Amelia Giles; Andrew Sikes; Nancy Webb
 Guest: None

2. Rail Cars – Report from Cheryl Snyder: Ernie Matthews, the contractor that Cheryl Snyder had been talking to regarding remodeling the rail cars, is no longer available to do the work right now. Cheryl is in the process of getting proposals from a few more contractors.

3. Minutes from previous meeting: Minutes from the April 11th meeting were reviewed by the board members. Although Don Depree was present at said meeting, his name was not listed. Billy Plake made a motion to accept the minutes with that correction. Don Depree 2nd the motion. Motion carried.

4. Treasurer’s Report: The treasurer’s reports to include Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet for the month of April were reviewed by the board members. Don Depree made a motion to accept the treasurer’s reports. Billy Plake 2nd the motion. Motion carried.
As concerns whether there is a depository agreement with Landmark Bank, Kanita Larkins is waiting for a response from the branch director, Nathan Petri.

5. North Park project: Kanita Larkins reports that she has visited with Steve White, director of public works, and was informed the pavilion does not have the required ramp. She will contact Mike Owens. There is currently a remaining balance of $500.00 in the budget. Vicky Cupit, secretary of the Parks Board, has inquired if that amount could be used towards restoring the fountain at Dorothy Fielder Park.

6. Museum: This matter will be tabled until the water drainage from the adjoining building owned by Gary and Brenda McDonald is resolved. Kanita Larkins reports she has received word from the City Manager that he has only received one bid from a roof contractor.

7. SAM Registration status: The information required by United States Business Registration, Inc., the agency that is registering VACDC with SAM (Systems of Award Management), has been submitted.

8. Signage “Visit Historic Downtown Van Alstyne” Progress: A sign has been installed before each of Van Alstyne exits (North & South) on the access roads. Several board members expressed their disappointment that it was not possible to have the signs placed between the main road and access road as previously planned so that they would be more visible.

9. Retire in Texas Status: Darrell Dean, our regional representative from Texas Department of Agriculture, will be present at the next City Council meeting on Tuesday, May 21st to present Mayor Kim DeMaster with the letter certifying Van Alstyne as a Retire in Texas community.

10. Texas Main Street: Judy Womack reports that the letter of intent requires the signature of a City official such as the Mayor or City Manager. As there was not enough to present this matter before City Council for their approval before the May 15th deadline, this matter will be postponed until next year.

11. Map of Historical Sites: This matter will be tabled until next month.

12. Signs: The board is ready to move forward with directional signs pointing to the downtown area. Kanita Larkins was directed to research the criteria of sign placement and types of signs that are approved by TxDOT.

13. Budget for 2013/2014: A proposed budget will need to be delivered to City Council before August. The Parks Board is currently working on their “wish list” for the board’s consideration. It would be good to ask other organization if they have any projects to submit to the board. Some restoration projects discussed were the various murals in town that need restored. Other budget items that need to be discussed include the lease and Kanita’s wages.

14. Comments by the President, Mayor and City Manager: None.

Adjourn: Don Depree made the motion to adjourn. Judy Womack 2nd the motion. Motion carried. Adjourned at 7:10 p.m. The next board meeting is scheduled for June 13, 2013 at 6:30 p.m.

Minutes respectfully taken by Judy Womack & Kanita Larkins 05/16/13