CDC Meeting – Minutes for December 13, 2012

Van Alstyne Community Development Corporation
Regular Board Meeting
228 East Marshall

Thursday, December 13, 2012 P.M.

1. Call to order-Recognition of Guests: The meeting was called to order by President, Dr. Paul Westmoreland @ 6:30 p.m.
Present: Dr. Paul Westmoreland, Amelia Giles, Nancy Webb, Don DePree, Billy Plake, Kanita Larkins
Absent: Judy Womack, Andrew Sikes
Guests: None

2. Minutes from previous meeting: Minutes from November 29, 2012 were reviewed by members. Don Depree made a motion to accept the minutes. Billy Plake 2nd the motion. Motion carried.

3. Treasurer’s Report: The treasurer’s report was reviewed by the members. Dr. Paul Westmoreland made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Billy Plake 2nd the motion. Motion carried.

4. TxDOT Enhancement Project-grant application for Pedestrian/Bike Trail: Kanita Larkins informed the board members that City Council had approved the application for submission to TxDOT at the December 11th City Council meeting. She has completed the application and it was hand-delivered to Paris, Texas. She was instructed by the board members to obtain a timeline of when we could expect TxDOT’s decision.

5. USDA Grant: Kanita Larkins relayed to the board members that Hilberto Sauceda with USDA in McKinney informed her that the last proceeds received by the Van Alstyne Economic Development in June of 2011 should have been given to the Van Alstyne Community Development Corporation as VACDC had more points. This was a mistake on the part of USDA. Mr. Sauceda is recommending that VACDC apply in January 2013. Nancy Webb made a motion to apply for the USDA grant. Don Depree 2nd the motion. Motion carried. Billy Plake commented on his concerns about making business loans and wants clarification from the City Attorney on what types of businesses could apply for said loans. Kanita Larkins will follow up on the issue and report back to the board.

6. North Park project: Discussion of most recent work that has taken place at North Park. The playground equipment, mulch and border have been installed. The pavilion has also been built; however, the concrete floor of the pavilion has been postponed as the funds allocated to this project would not cover this expense. The Parks Board will return at the first of the year requesting additional funding. Additional discussion regarding the ADA of the playground. Some of the playground equipment in the parks in Van Alstyne does not meet ADA compliance. The board members want to insure the project is approved when inspected by the City.

7. Museum: The board members were provided with a fee schedule of an assessment of structural assessment of the museum from Shaun Kirk with Bury + Partners, an engineering firm in Austin. Don Depree informed the board that an inspection of the museum was prepared by Ty Chapman. The board members instructed Kanita Larkins to research this matter and obtain a copy of the inspection. She will meet with Teddie Ann Salmon to further discuss this matter and determine how Mrs. Salmon wants to proceed.

8. Signage “Visit Historic Downtown Van Alstyne” Progress: Kanita Larkins informed the board that this matter went before City Council meeting on December 11th and was approved. The Resolution and City Pride Agreement will need to be signed by the City and submitted to David Selman with TxDOT. Amelia Giles inquired if the documentation could be hand-delivered to Mr. Selman in Sherman. Kanita Larkins will deliver the signed documents when they become available.

9. Revisit Retire in Texas Status: Kanita Larkins reports that she has not been notified as to whom Retire in Texas will designate to come to Van Alstyne to make a formal presentation. She will follow up on this matter.

10. Update on Mapping Progress: Kanita Larkins received an update from the City Manager that we are currently waiting for Bill Benton to approve the lifestyle pictures.

11. Modification of Bylaws: The board members have been reviewing the bylaws. Dr. Paul Westmoreland made a motion to table this matter until we can receive some clarification on what is the Community Development Capital Improvement Program “CDCIP.” It is one of the functional corporate duties and requirements of the board. Don Depree 2nd the motion. Motion carried.

12. Comments by the President, Mayor and City Manager: Dr. Paul Westmoreland addressed the board and stated that this is his last year. It is important to him that everything done by this board is strictly by the rules and that the board do what is required of them as board members.

13. Adjourn: Amelia Giles made the motion to adjourn, Nancy Webb 2nd. Motion carried. Adjourned at 8:31 p.m. The next board meeting is scheduled for January 10, 2013 at 6:30 p.m.

Minutes respectfully taken by Kanita Larkins 12/13/12

Approved by Board:

Secretary for the VACDC