CDC Meeting – Minutes for 01 09 14

Van Alstyne Community Development Corporation
Regular Board Meeting
228 East Marshall

Thursday, January 9, 2014, 6:30 p.m.

1. Call to order-Recognition of Guests: The meeting was called to order by Billy Plake @ 6:42 p.m.
 Present: Andrew Sikes; Billy Plake; Nancy Webb; Mark Rock; City Manager Frank Baker; and Kanita Larkins
 Absent: None
 Guest: None

2. Minutes from previous meeting: Minutes from December 12 2013 were reviewed by the board members. Billy Plake made a motion to accept the minutes as read. Mark Rock 2nd the motion. Motion carried.

3. Treasurer’s Report: The treasurer’s reports to include Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet for the month of December 2013 were reviewed by the board members. At the meeting of December 2013 Kanita Larkins was instructed to report back to the board regarding the purpose of the advertising expense in the amount of $415.00. This was the cost to film the Fall der All 2013 advertisement on cable as part of the funds awarded to the Chamber of Commerce. Billy Plake made a motion to accept the treasurer’s reports for December 2013. Mark Rock 2nd the motion. Motion carried.

4. Recess into close session pursuant to Chapter 551, Texas Government Code for deliberation regarding: Section 551.072, Real Property: went into closed session at 6:50 p.m.
a. Deliberate the purchase lease and value of real property located in downtown Van Alstyne. Out of closed session at 7:01 p.m.
Billy Plake made a motion to renew the lease with Amelia Giles and Cheryl Snyder. Andrew Sikes seconded the motion. Motion carried.

5. Board Vacancies: Signors on Financial Documents: Currently, Billy Plake is the only remaining member on the board who is authorized to sign checks and other financial documents. Andrew Sikes made a motion to remove Dr. Paul Westmoreland and Amelia Giles as signors and replace Board Treasurer Nancy Webb as an authorized signor on financial documents. Billy Plake 2nd the motion. Motion carried.

6. Museum: Kanita Larkins has not heard from Susan Berryhill with the Van Alstyne Historical Museum regarding whether the contractor Mrs. Berryhill suggested has completed his bid for repairs to the museum.

7. Retire in Texas: There is nothing to report at this time. Kanita Larkins will continue to keep the board members updated.

8. “Visit Historic Downtown Van Alstyne” signs – update: Kanita Larkins has not been able to visit with Sherry or David Kirby regarding their offer to go to the Texas Department of Transportation regarding the placement of the signs. She will continue to follow up on this matter.

9. Comments by the President, Mayor and City Manager: None.

10. Adjourn: Nancy Webb made the motion to adjourn. Mark Rock 2nd the motion. Motion carried. Adjourned at 7:14 p.m. The next regular board meeting is scheduled for February 13, 2014.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Kanita Larkins 01/09/2014