CDC Meeting – Minutes for November 29, 2012

Van Alstyne Community Development Corporation
Regular Board Meeting
228 East Marshall

Thursday, November 29, 2012 P.M.

1. Call to order-Recognition of Guests: The meeting was called to order by President, Dr. Paul Westmoreland @ 6:30 p.m.
Present: Dr. Paul Westmoreland, Amelia Giles, Don DePree, Andrew Sikes, Billy Plake, Kanita Larkins, Frank Baker
Absent: Judy Womack, Nancy Webb
Guests: Chamber President Cheryl Snyder Park Board Members: Vicky Cupit, April Butler, and Sara Coleman

Amelia Giles asked that special recognition be made of City Manager Frank Baker.

2. Chamber of Commerce’s Presentation re: Rail Cars: Cheryl Snyder, President of the Chamber addressed the board and provided the status of the repairs to the rail cars. John Myers has been the contractor making repairs to the cars. Although he has years of experience in the field of refurbishing old rail cars, he is elderly and his health has declined in recent years. As a result, not much work has been completed on the cars. Ernie Mathews, a local contractor, has expressed an interest in refurbishing the rail cars. Ms. Snyder will request a bid from Mr. Mathews and return to the board at the first of 2013.

3. Parks Board presentation as concerns reallocation of approved funding and North Park project: Last fiscal year, $24,000 was approved by the board and City Council for Parks’ projects, specifically lighting at Forrest Moore Park. At the beginning of this fiscal year (2012-2013), the board and City Council approved an additional $6,000 for Parks’ projects, for a total of $30,000. Last month, the Parks Board and Eagle Scout Austin Bonema made a presentation requesting funding of new playground equipment and a new pavilion at North Park. April Butler with the Parks Board indicates that the total funds needed to complete this exceed the budgeted amount by $2,160.00. The reasoning for this is that the mulch for the playground was more expensive and a better quality. It was chosen because it will not smell when it becomes hot and is eco-friendly (made from tennis shoe soles). Suggestions made were to remove the pavilion from the plan. However, Frank informed the board that he noticed when he was recently at the park, that the pavilion previously there had been removed.

Billy Plake made a motion to reallocate the funds previously budgeted for lighting be used for the North Park project for up to $30,000—anything above that would need be brought to the board at which time it will be taken back the City Council for an amended budget for Park project funding. Don Depree 2nd the motion. Motion carried.

4. TxDOT Enhancement Project – grant application for Pedestrian/Bike Trail: City Manager Frank Baker informed the board that he was made aware of the TxDOT Enhancement Project in which TxDOT would provide 80% of funding for qualified projects. He and Kanita Larkins are currently working on an application for a pedestrian and bike trail that would begin at North Park on Hwy 5 and would go north on Hwy. 5 passing the Middle School and ending at the High School. This would provide a safe route for the students who are currently walking to school. This project would be phase one of six phases. The estimated cost of phase one is approximately $210,000. In the event the City receives the funding for this project, Mr. Baker asked the board if it would consider providing funding to cover 20% of the project plus engineering fees of $42,000 as the grant will not cover the engineering fees.

Amelia Giles made a motion to consider funding of the additional 20% of the project and the engineering fees in the event the City is awarded funding for the pedestrian and bike trail. Don Depree 2nd the motion. Motion carried.

5. Minutes from previous meeting: Minutes from October 11, 2012 were reviewed by members. Billy Plake made a motion to accept the minutes. Amelia Giles 2nd the motion. Motion carried.

6. Treasurer’s Report: The treasurer’s report was reviewed by the members. Andrew Sikes made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Billy Plake 2nd the motion. Motion carried.

7. Future Grants: Kanita Larkins requested instructions from the board regarding applying for grants. In particular, grants in which the application deadline would be before a scheduled board meeting in which she would request permission to apply. It was the consensus of the board that they trust her judgment and in the event a deadline was imminent, she should proceed in applying for the grant(s).

8. Review of Application and Guidelines for Funding Projects: The Board reviewed the modified Application and Guidelines for Funding Projects that included the changes requested at the last board meeting. Billy Plake made a motion to accept the modified Application and Guidelines for Funding Projects. Amelia Giles 2nd the motion. Motion carried.

9. Signage “Visit Historic Downtown Van Alstyne” Progress: Kanita Larkins informed the board that this matter will be on the agenda for the next City Council meeting on December 11th. The engineer and person making the sign, Ken Brawley, will be present to answer questions.

10. Modification of Bylaws: Billy Plake made a motion to table this matter until the next board meeting. Don Depree 2nd the motion. Motion carried. Amelia Giles requested that Kanita Larkins remind the board via email prior to the next meeting to review the Bylaws prior to coming to the meeting.

11. Update on Mapping Progress: Frank Baker informed the board that he and Bill Benton are working on this matter. They are currently working on the colors on the maps. Mr. Benton has also requested that the maps include plats.

12. Revisit Retire in Texas Status: Kanita Larkins reports she has requested a representative to appear at a future City Council meeting for a formal presentation of the check. She will be notified as to whom Retire in Texas will designate.

13. Adjourn: Don Depree made the motion to adjourn, Amelia Giles 2nd. Motion carried. Adjourned at 7:44 p.m.

Minutes respectfully taken by Kanita Larkins 11/29/12