CDC Meeting – Minutes for June 13, 2013

Van Alstyne Community Development Corporation
Regular Board Meeting
228 East Marshall

Thursday, June 13, 2013

1. Call to order-Recognition of Guests: The meeting was called to order by Secretary Judy Womack @ 6:30 p.m.
 Present: Judy Womack; Nancy Webb; Don Depree; Billy Plake; Kanita Larkins; Mayor Teddie Ann Salmon
 Absent: Dr. Paul Westmoreland; Amelia Giles; Andrew Sikes
 Guest: None

2. Rail Cars – Report from Cheryl Snyder: Kanita Larkins has visited with Cheryl Snyder and provides the following information: Chamber member Ben Buckwalter will board up the doors to prevent any accidents occurring until such time as the repairs have been made. Cheryl is in the process of obtaining bids from three contractors to refurbish the railcars.

3. Minutes from previous meeting: Minutes from the May 16th meeting were reviewed by the board members. Don Depree made a motion to accept the minutes. Billy Plake 2nd the motion. Motion carried.

4. Treasurer’s Report: The treasurer’s reports to include Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet for the month of May were reviewed by the board members. Nancy Webb made a motion to accept the treasurer’s reports. Don Depree 2nd the motion. Motion carried.

5. Bylaws: Kanita Larkins reported that City Council had tabled their review of the recent amendments to the Bylaws made by the board members. Additionally, the City Manager and Mayor Teddie Ann Salmon are currently in the process of making some amendments to the Bylaws to include providing a notification process to new board members of their appointment. Also, as there have been some issues with other boards with attendance in meetings, an amendment will be provided to include an attendance policy wherein after a board member misses twice consecutively they will be notified in the event a third consecutive absents will result in an automatic dismissal.

6. North Park project: Kanita Larkins reports that she and Steve White, director of public works, will be meeting to discuss the ramp at the pavilion. Kanita Larkins states she has not had the opportunity to contact Recess Playground Design Company regarding making the border around the playground ADA accessible. She will provide an update on both matters at the next board meeting.

7. Museum: Mayor Teddie Ann Salmon reports that City Council cannot force the owners of the adjoining building to fix the water runoff that is creating water problems for the museum. However, some work on the roof ordered by the City has diverted some of the water runoff. The Mayor also reports that the windows that were a safety concern have been boarded up. It was suggested that until such time as it is certain that water is not going to be an issue that funds designated by the Van Alstyne Community Corporation for repairs to the Museum be put on hold. Kanita Larkins was instructed to inquire if the City was going to pay the invoice for the work done on the roof.

8. SAM Registration status: Kanita Larkins reports that she is having issues with United States Business Registrations, the company that has been contracted to migrate the Van Alstyne Community Development Corporation’s file from CCR (Central Contractor Registration) to SAM (System for Award Management). She is concerned that it is taking longer than necessary. Also, she noticed that VACDC was double charged. Although she was assured that a credit would be issued, she has not seen it yet. She is requesting a directive as to how the board members wanted her to handle the situation. She recommended sending a letter requesting a reason why it was taking so long and that our account be credited immediately. It was suggested to wait another month and see what happens before taking any action at this time.

9. Retire in Texas Status: Darrell Dean, our regional representative from Texas Depart-ment of Agriculture, presented former Mayor Kim DeMasters with the letter certifying Van Alstyne as a Retire in Texas community at the last City Council meeting. Kanita Larkins reports that she has contacted Mr. Dean to determine what steps should be taken next to market Van Alstyne and start meetings with the committee; however, she has not heard back from him. She also reports that Van Alstyne is still not on the Retire in Texas website. She will continue to follow up.

10. Map of Historical Sites: Mayor Teddie Ann Salmon informed the board members that the Grayson County Historical Society is in the process of putting a map together of all the locations of museums, historical sites and markers, and libraries for Fannin and Grayson County. It will also be on the Grayson County Historical Society website. Teddie Ann Salmon will provide Kanita Larkins with the contact information.

11. Signs: Teddie Ann Salmon said that signs were a topic of recent City Council meetings and that the City would be addressing this matter.

12. Budget for 2013/2014: A proposed budget will need to be delivered to City Council by August 1st. Kanita Larkins reports that she has visited with Vicky Cupit with Parks Board but they have not yet determined the projects they wish to submit for the board’s consideration. Kanita Larkins was instructed to contact various organizations in the area to determine their needs, if any. Mayor Teddie Ann Salmon suggested public bathrooms for the downtown area. She also stated at one time a drinking water fountain was to be put at Dorothy Fielder Park. She believed that Chief Tim Barnes might know the location of the drinking water fountain. Kanita Larkins was instructed to contact Chief Tim Barnes.

13. Comments by the President, Mayor and City Manager: None.

Adjourn: Nancy Webb made the motion to adjourn. Don Depree 2nd the motion. Motion carried. Adjourned at 7:50 p.m. The next board meeting is scheduled for July 11, 2013.

Minutes respectfully Judy Womack & Kanita Larkins 06/13/2013