CDC Meeting – Minutes for 12 12 13

Van Alstyne Community Development Corporation
Regular Board Meeting
228 East Marshall

Thursday, December 12, 2013, 6:30 p.m.

1. Call to order-Recognition of Guests: The meeting was called to order by Billy Plake @ 6:30 p.m.
 Present: Andrew Sikes, Billy Plake, Nancy Webb, Mark Rock, Kanita Larkins
 Absent: None
 Guest: None

Mark Rock was welcomed as a new board member. He was appointed by City Council at the October 2013 City Council meeting to serve as a board member of the Van Alstyne Community Development Corporation.

2. Minutes from previous meeting: Minutes from September 2013 were reviewed by the board members. The board meetings for October and November 2013 were cancelled because there was not a quorum present so there were no minutes for October and November 2013. Nancy Webb made a motion to accept the minutes for September 12, 2013 and the Special Called Meeting on September 17, 2013. Andrew Sikes 2nd the motion. Motion carried.

3. Treasurer’s Report: The treasurer’s reports to include Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet for the months of September, October and November 2013 were reviewed by the board members. Andrew Sikes made a motion to accept the treasurer’s reports for the months of September and October 2013. Nancy Webb 2nd the motion. Motion carried. Kanita Larkins was instructed to report back to the board at the next regular scheduled board meeting in January 2014 regarding the purpose of the advertising expense in the amount of $415.00.

4. Open Meeting/Public Information Acts: Kanita Larkins requested that that the board members who had not provided their certificates of completions get these to her for the file.

5. Eligible Type B Projects: Kanita Larkins provided the board members with information that listed the various types of projects that were allowed by law for Type B Economic Development organizations. The board members discussed that they would continue to seek the advice of the City Attorney to insure projects being considered were permitted.

6. Election of Officers: Officers for the positions of President, Vice-President and Secretary are currently vacant. Mark Rock nominated Andrew Sikes as the President. Mark Rock made a motion that Andrew Sikes fill the position of the President. Billy Plake 2nd the motion. The votes were unanimous that Andrew Sikes serve as the Board President. Nancy Webb currently is the Treasurer. Billy Plake made the motion that Nancy Webb continue to serve as the Treasurer. Andrew Sikes 2nd the motion. The votes were unanimous that Nancy Webb remain as the Board Treasurer. The remaining positions for Vice-President and Secretary will stay vacant until such time as there is a complete board of seven members.

7. Signors on Financial Documents: Billy Plake is currently is the only remaining member on the board who is authorized to sign checks and other financial documents. Andrew Sikes made a motion to remove Dr. Paul Westmoreland and Amelia Giles as signors and that Board Treasurer Nancy Webb be authorized as a signor on financial documents. Billy Plake 2nd the motion. Motion carried.

8. Bylaws: Kanita Larkins reports that the Amended Bylaws were not accepted by City Council at the October 2013 City Council meeting. Nancy Webb made a motion to table work on the Bylaws until such time as there is a complete board of seven members. Andrew Sikes seconded the motion. Motion carried.

9. Museum: Kanita Larkins has not heard from Susan Berryhill with the Van Alstyne Historical Museum regarding whether the contractor Mrs. Berryhill suggested had completed his bid for repairs to the museum.

10. “Visit Historic Downtown Van Alstyne” signs – update: Kanita Larkins has not been able to visit with Sherry or David Kirby regarding their offer to go to the Texas Department of Transportation regarding the placement of the signs. She will continue to follow up on this matter.

11. Yearly Audit: Kanita Larkins reports that she is currently in the process of providing documents to the auditor for the yearly audit. Nancy Webb is providing assistance and expertise to Kanita Larkins in the matter.

12. SWOT Analysis: Kanita Larkins is recommending that both boards (VAEDC & VACDC) work together in preparing a SWOT (Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats) of the community. This will assist in preparing a marketing plan, as well as updating each of the organizations strategic plans. Nancy Webb made a motion to move forward with this plan. Mark Rock 2nd the motion. Motion carried.

13. Comments by the President, Mayor and City Manager: None.

14. Adjourn: Nancy Webb made the motion to adjourn. Andrew Sikes 2nd the motion. Motion carried. Adjourned at 7:16 p.m. The next regular board meeting is scheduled for January 9, 2014.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Kanita Larkins 12/12/2013